Is your website working for your business in this current crisis?
14 April 2020

It is no longer business as usual. Most of us have dramatically changed the way we operate. For some it’s moving to a remote workforce and trying to operate as effectively as possible, while for others it is battening down the hatches and furloughing staff until things recover.
But in these challenging times there are still opportunities. One of these is to look at areas in your business that have been put to one side, such as your website, and whether you can capitalise on the huge surge in online activity that this crisis has generated.
Here are a few things to consider.
Ecommerce / online payment
Is there an opportunity to sell online? It is straightforward to add ecommerce shop to an existing website or for service-based business to add online payment options for selected services.
Adding ecommerce or online payment will open up a new revenue stream, one that is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Website improvement
Is your website serving your business as well as it should? Now might be a good time to re-evaluate its role in the business.
75% of B2B buyers said a company’s website significantly influenced their buying decision, and 62% chose to buy based on digital content alone (Deloitte’s 2018).
A simple refresh can make a huge difference to your conversion rate and stimulate new sales activity.
Analysis and monitoring
Now is an excellent time to look at your website statistics and get under the skin of your online activity.
There is a myriad of analysis tools available to review website performance, user behaviour and activity. Taking the time to understand the statistics will mean you can make decisions that will have meaningful impact.
Landing pages & microsites
If you don’t need to change your website, or don’t have the budget an alternative is to develop a new landing page or microsite.
These can be rapidly deployed and support a wider digital marketing campaign, particularly targeting a single product or service. You can also deploy more than one, targeting different market segments.
Let’s discuss your website
All the above are things you should probably be doing anyway, but the current situation has accelerated the need to address them.
At Blue Wren we can support you with these activities, including website design and development, so if you would like to discuss this further, please get in touch.
You can also take a look at some of our website case studies to see how we create positive change for our customers.
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